peace fountain

Nationally, April marks Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), a collective time to raise awareness and educate about sexual violence. The University of Arkansas actively participates with SAAM through the provision of varied events and opportunities for the campus community.

This site serves to help inform of campus SAAM events. Through collaborative work, campus departments and student groups are working together to engage and raise awareness across the University of Arkansas community.

The Campus Collaborative Against Sexual Assault partners include campus resources such as SRVC (Sexual and Relationship Violence Center), Title IX, Office of Student Accountability, SEAR (Substance Education, Assessment, and Recovery), ASG (Associated Student Government), GPSC (Graduate and Professional Student Congress), Greek Life, Multicultural Center, OEOC (Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance), CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services), University Programs, University Housing, UA Cares, UARK Wellness, UAPD (University Police), and more. If a university department is interested in joining the Collaborative, please reach out to